Is that a happy girl or what?! Daisy's name is so perfect for her. She is such a happy little flower! She skips and sings all the time and has a contagious laugh!
Daisy got to go fishing with Daddy, Nana, and Papa! She caught a ton of fish and can even bait her own hook!
If you know me well you know that when I'm pregnant, I pretty much hide in my home until the baby's well out and I'm somewhat back to normal. No joke! I have a friend that keeps tally marks for every time we see each other because it's so rare. I also fail to keep up with all the normal things I would do like blogging! So I am so sorry to anyone that may be sick and tired of checking out our blog and seeing Jenna's fatty face smiling at you in mockery. Like, "Ha ha it's still me!" So this may be a slow process but here goes!