Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tumbleweed park

This is Tumbleweed Park. It's the kind of park that accommodates most ages. It has the slow and steady slides and then it has the wedgie making slides. For some reason Daisy likes the wedgie slides! Here's Daddy and D on a slow and steady slide.
Now D has gained some confidence and starts goin for the big kid stuff.

Somehow Scott caught the tragedy on camera! D's little body was bashed face first into the side of the slide. So sad. Impressive photography though! Note the shoe streaks above D's head from all the other kids trying to stop themselves from this same catastrophe. It makes me think of that movie, A Christmas Story, when the kids get shoved down the big scary slide screaming after they tell Santa what they want.

And that was the end of our day at the park. Most of the other parents there thought we were pretty stinken sick for taking pictures of our screaming baby but our theory is "Rub it out." or "Hey! You're not bleeding!" Don't worry! We still comfort and love our children too!


Ashley Dent said...

BeSt park EvEr right?!?! Keira and I played there (with the kids of course!) yesterday! We should all go sometime soon!So stinkin fun!

We are the same way too, especially with Brady when they get hurt!

Ashley Harris said...

Alright this is Matt. This is my first comment on anyone's blog ever. It is good to see I am not the only one with that theory. I have seen my kids run head long into the kitchen counter and not make a peep. And when its in public a short fall empties the flood gates. But yeah, people think I am a horrible dad for not making every fall or skinned knee into the worlds worst tragedy. Right on......