Friday, January 23, 2009

Daisy Bliss is 2!!!!

January 16th Daisy turned two! This is her leading everyone in the Happy Birthday song! We went to Peter Piper and had such a great time! She truly knew that she was princess for the day. Since then, when I see her in the morning she tells me about her birthday cake and how she blew out her candles! Too fun.
Spoiled little girl got another party at Nana and Papa's house like the next day!

I told Scott to grab some balloons when he picked up the cake and guess what he showed up with!? Go Cardinals! It's true, she could care less what kind of balloons she got but I was really expecting Elmo or Barbie or something a little more child appropriate. I should know better. He's ALWAYS good for a laugh!

Scott made her Mickey Mouse pancakes with sprinkles. I just love how excited she looks.

Elmo slippers! She opened them, ripped off her shoes, and insisted on playing for the rest of the evening in them.

Sometimes AZ is Actually Pretty

My honey has been hunting javelina and deer these past few weeks and we decided to make a family outing of it! We all busted out our camo and did some four wheeling into the hills toward our previous Flo town ( Florence). The weather was gorgeous and Daisy loved the bumpy rodes! Everything was perfect til the poor girl got cactus in her foot, head, and hand. :( So sad. That pretty much wrapped up our adventure in the desert.
We had to take a family shot to capture our hunting experience but obviously there was no one there to take the picture! So we had to make due with the timer on our camera...

This is only one of the headless pictures we ended up with! Sorry, but I think it's hilarious. We all rush to the same spot and sit ever so still until we see some sort of light or flash. If it takes too long we all move and then click! You've got yourself yet another silly family photo.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy Girls

I think I'll cry the day Daisy doesn't fit in the sink for her bath. It's gonna be a while being that she's in there with her cousin Ally too! :) These two always seem to end up in a bath when they're done playing. That could only mean they truly have fun!
My dad brought an antique fire truck over to show the girls and they thought it was very cool! We threw on some little fire hats and they were in heaven.

Doesn't this picture just make you happy? I don't remember what they were so happy about or what absolutely ridiculous gesture Scott was making but it made for such a sweet shot. You gotta love happy little girls!

Better Late Than Never!

I was watching Cool Runnings the other night and my very favorite line is, "Sanka! Ya dead?"..." Ya mon." It made me giggle and think I should update my blog before friends start thinking I'm dead! The temple lights are a must for our family every year! I love the crisp air and hot chocolate! We don't get to bundle up in AZ very often! This picture was one of our MANY attempts to get a half way decent shot of our family for a Christmas card.
This was a dollar at a yard sale! Make way for the bargain shopper! Sad I unplugged the battery about five minutes later cause she kept running into everything. It's now outside and Daisy says it's, " Bwoke." But it was a beautiful moment when she opened it!

Christmas morning is crazy at the Douglas' ! There are so many presents and the kids are so excited! Sweet Debi goes above and beyond to make sure everyone gets their Christmas wish. That's Aiden with Daisy and Jenna. Don't they look just way too happy?!

She's not quite sure what to do at this point but NO WORRIES! By the end of the day she had it down! Aiden is one year older so he was happy to show her how this whole present thing goes! :) In the end we all got a lot of awesome presents. I opened a wad of cash from Scott with a note that said, "I go hunt... now you go shop! Here's a day with money and no kids to do whatever you want." It doesn't get better than that. Scott got some hunting stuff and other odds and ends. The girls were spoiled! SO! That was our Christmas!