My honey has been hunting
javelina and deer these past few weeks and we decided to make a family outing of it! We all busted out our
camo and did some four wheeling into the hills toward our previous Flo town ( Florence). The weather was
gorgeous and Daisy loved the bumpy rodes! Everything was perfect til the poor girl got cactus in her foot, head, and hand. :( So sad. That pretty much wrapped up our adventure in the desert.

We had to take a family shot to capture our hunting experience but obviously there was no one there to take the picture! So we had to make due with the timer on our camera...

This is only one of the headless pictures we ended up with! Sorry, but I think it's hilarious. We all rush to the same spot and sit ever so still until we see some sort of light or flash. If it takes too long we all move and then click! You've got yourself yet another silly family photo.