Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ya, She Looks All Sweet and Innocent

Miss Jenna caused some drama at church today. Scott was at work so I was flying solo and Jenna decided to get a little fussy during sacrament mtg. Well, my only choice at the moment was to gather the diaper bag, Jenna, and loud Daisy and get to the mothers lounge. It wasn't until I got in front of the mirror that I realized Jenna had pooped all over the front of my white shirt. I always bring a change of clothes for Jenna but hadn't thought of a change of clothes for myself! So of course I have to trudge back into sacrament mtg and gather all my goods with Daisy saying ( not quietly) " Mom! Bubye?" We made quite the scene. Anyways I hope there are brownie points in heaven for moms who try to conquer church by themselves!!! You all get an E!! For Effort!!! Even if you do go home early.


Life as a Greenstreet said...

There better be extra point or I'm screwed!

Jacque said...

Oh Janelle! I will plead for brownie points in your behalf if you'll plead for me!

Shawna said...

Oh no...well that story can go down in the babies happens to all of us! I hope Scott is able to catch up on his sleep today...I loved that you guys came over to watch the fight, and of course Shane did not find you guys annoying he liked having you guys here. So you guys better come over more are always welcome! :) P.S. Tell your pops I said happy birthday!

Becka said... always have a great poop story to tell! HAHA You are a trooper!

Jamie said...

It was soo fun to see and you definately get points for going it alone!!! Yuck!!!

C said...

Oh gosh girl I feel for ya. That is a funny story. Jeff works Sundays right now so I know a tiny bit how you feel. I haven't been pooped on, though! lol

Ashley Harris said...

Oh, I have major sympathy for you with the church by yourself thing (although I was never pooped on...) For 6 months Matt worked Sundays, from the time my kids were 18 months - 2 years old and it was difficult. You're a brave woman taking a newborn and a two year old by yourself!

I'm sure it wasn't all that fun at the time, but what a fun story to tell years from now!

Anonymous said...

HAHA! I am so sorry to be laughing but I have so been there and I soooo agree! Going to church solo sucks and I think if you can get there for 5 minutes it counts for the whole 3 hours! I can't wait to see you Friday!!!

McKell and John said...

Great story! Yes, you get at least two brownie points for poopy shirts in church!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is awesome. I love that you needed a change of clothes for yourself. Hilarious!! Church is sometimes the longest 3 hours of the week when you have a baby.